
Millions of Quantum Operations From Near Term Quantum Computers |

Preskill’s has made major contributions to quantum computing including the concept of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum” (NISQ) technology. This term describes the current state of quantum computers, which, despite not being fully error-corrected or fault-tolerant, can perform tasks beyond the capabilities of classical machines. The NISQ concept has revolutionized the approach to quantum computing, opening new avenues for scientific exploration and innovation.

Quantum Error Correction
Preskill has made significant contributions to quantum error correction, a critical aspect of quantum computing

His work in this area includes:

Developing quantum error correction conditions, also known as the Knill-Laflamme conditions, which provide criteria for quantum codes to correct errors

Advancing topological quantum error correction, which uses topological properties of quantum states to protect quantum information.

Today at Q2B he describes the advancement beyond NISQ.

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